Bruce Barcelo is the Director of Implementation here at Soter Technologies. He is also a faculty member at The Breathing Association. The Breathing Association is one of a handful of entities that can certify someone as a Tobacco Treatment Specialist.
Ask Bruce Barcelo
Soter Technologies’ Director of Education and Prevention
Bruce’s Services
Bruce’s services offer comprehensive education for both students and parents. In these presentations Bruce discusses the risks associated with vaping and the potential harms.
Bruce’s workshops are designed to educate students, teachers, administrators, and parents on the health risks and long-term consequences of vaping, offering them factual information to make informed decisions about their health and school safety.
Bruce’s webinars are easily accessible and extremely convenient due to its virtual manner. Learn about the risks of vaping, preventative strategies, and educational opportunities for parents, teachers, and students.
Learn about the dangers of vaping or how to turn vaping incidents into learning opportunities. Bruce writes monthly blog posts here on our website.
Bruce’s services are limited to Soter Technologies partners.
Bruce Barcelo is a sought-after presenter for national and state conferences on vaping as well as the important emergents of vaping cannabis. He has presented to national education conferences, state resource officers conferences, state and local coalitions, state school boards, and student assemblies and conferences. An example is the International HOSA Conference where over 12,000 students attend. Bruce Barcelo has presented to many athletic groups on a regional and state basis.
Bruce is a regular guest on multiple different Dayton, Ohio television stations. He also writes monthly blog posts, find more here.
1. Set a quit date
2. Begin to decrease the amount of tobacco you use
3. Tell family, friends and co-workers you are quitting and ask for their
4. On your quit date, get rid of all tobacco-related items
5. If you choose to use the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenge,
nicotine inhaler, or nicotine nasal
spray, begin use on your quit date and use as prescribed
6. If you plan to use Varenicline or Bupropion, contact your physician two
weeks before your quit date and
use as prescribed
7. Use of tobacco treatment medications increases your chance of quitting
by 50%
8. Avoid alcohol
9. Avoid second-hand smoke
10. Keep busy with projects, hobbies, pleasurable activities, etc.
11. When stressed, take a few deep breaths
12. Exercise
13. Get plenty of rest
14. Drink water
15. Eat healthy meals and snacks
16. Pamper yourself