Banning Vaping – Will it Work?

Education, FlySense, News

Outright vaping bans don’t work, as this media report on the vaping situation in Singapore – a country known for its strict law enforcement measures – attests. If anything, the bans are counter-productive because the forbidden always seems more enticing, especially to impressionable young minds. That’s why Soter Technologies takes a multi-dimensional approach when it works with school officials to detect, deter and defer teens & pre-teens from vaping. The cornerstone of this approach, of course, is our FlySense vaping detection devices, which notify school officials – in real time – when vaping (and/or bullying) is taking place in areas such as restrooms where recording devices are not an option due to privacy issues.

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FlySense Vape Detection | Soter Technologies

FlySense® Vape Detection

The world’s first vape & bullying detector. Detect real-time vape and sound anomalies and monitors air quality and potential bullying.

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