Smoke Signals New Workplace Air Quality Concerns


It’s been said, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” but for those living in the eastern half of the United States today, simply looking out your office window should also tell you, “Where there’s breathing in smoke, there’s a sign of things to come.”


You don’t need to watch the news to know that millions of Americans are dealing with hazy skies (at best), as smoke from wildfire pollution in eastern Canada continues to cause precarious breathing conditions, particularly for those of us for whom smoke-free breathing is a necessity, not just a nicety.


While we know we can look forward to clear skies after the fires, air quality emergencies in the workplace – where many Americans spend the bulk of their waking hours – will become more prevalent than ever. This is especially true given the fact that most corporate managers have only recently been able to coax staffers from their “work-from-home” routines put into place during COVID.


It just so happens Soter Technologies is beta-testing equipment that monitors air quality in the workplace, and the data from the devices we have in place have been pinging like a stock market rally over the past 24 hours. So the good news is, our devices work. The bad news is, our devices work. The takeaway, however, is this: Knowing is better than not knowing.


Make no mistake: workers will want to know if the air they’re breathing while at work will cause them harm, especially in the aftermath of the COVID pandemic. Management and facilities managers will have to be able to demonstrate air quality standards are being met, if not for humanitarian reasons then at least to enhance productivity. (The only thing less productive than an employee concerned about the air he or she’s breathing is an employee home sick with a cold or flu or worse that he or she caught while at work).


This wildfire fiasco ensures that #Clean Air For All & #Smoke Free Environment will be more than nice, suggestive hashtags. Corporate management and facilities managers will have to take significant steps to ensure their employers and tenants are breathing air that’s healthy. They will also have to measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of these steps.


How do you plan on showing your staffers the steps you have taken have been effective? Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, but not all fires are smokey. Some sneak up on you if you’re not paying attention, and you get burned in the process. Don’t let this happen to you.

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