LCD Screens on Vape Pens?

Education, FlySense, News

This piece from WIRED best explains what school officials around the world are up against when it comes to keeping their students & staffers safe from vaping activities. “Almost exclusively manufactured in China, the vapes are colorful and come in eye-catching metallic finishes, squishy silicone textures, and rounded shapes that fit comfortably in a person’s hand. But what really sets them apart are LCD screens, which make the devices even more harmful for the environment than normal disposable vapes. And like the vast majority of all e-cigarettes available in stores, they are technically illegal and haven’t been approved for sale by the US Food and Drug Administration….These so-called smart vapes are the product of an innovation boom taking place in China’s $28 billion e-cigarette export industry. It was spurred, in part, by the United States’ lax enforcement of nicotine regulations.” Fortunately, there are resources such as Soter TechnologiesFlySense vaping detection devices, which notify school officials – in real time – when vaping (and/or bullying) is taking place in areas such as restrooms where recording devices are not an option due to privacy issues.

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